zkFold UPLC Converter
Compiles Untyped Plutus Core (UPLC) scripts into arithmetic circuits and lets developers code ZK smart contracts in their language of choice. No ZKP expertise required!
No script length limit
UPLC scripts have a hard limit on size as they must fit into a Cardano transaction (currently, 16 KB).
No CEK execution budget limit
Forget about ExUnits! Zero knowledge smart contracts can be arbitrarily complex. Express your contract logic in a natural way. No need for hacky optimizations.
No redeemer size limit
Redeemers are now private data and are not submitted on-chain. They can be arbitrarily large and only used in the off-chain code to prove transaction validity.
Cost-efficient for complex logic
The complexity of your smart contract does not affect the network fees. It is based on the cost of on-chain zero knowledge proof verification and the number of inputs and outputs in the transaction.
Private smart contracts
Zero knowledge smart contracts are represented on-chain by polynomial commitments that do not reveal the contract logic.